That's right, you read that title correctly!
Two weeks ago,
*dies again*
Me & Orson Scott Card!! |
Orson came to Northern Virginia for his first ever signing of his new book
Pathfinder. (More on
the amazingness that is that book later.) It was hands down one of my favorite signings ever. Not only because this man and his book
Ender's Game (and the rest of that series) had a huge impact on the reading side of my literary journey, but because he was funny, and personable, and would sign as many books as someone wanted!! (Okay, that last part is just an added extra...)
He shared some fun stories and anecdotes, one of which I found really interesting: he doesn't reread books when writing their sequels. I guess an added benefit to having such a large fanbase, is that he's able to go to his online forum to ask questions if he can't remember. (For example, he couldn't remember what he'd already written about one character's father, so he just asked his forum and a reader answered for him!)
He also mentioned his love of nonfiction books, because those, he says, are the books that can really fill your head with foundation for great fiction. He spoke a bit about the Ender's Game movie in the works. (I can't wait!)
The entire experience was so... surreal to me. And yet, it so wasn't because Orson Scott Card puts it right out there that he's just a regular guy. But he's not, really. Not to me anyway.
Ender's Game was required reading for me in either 8th or 9th grade in high school. I fell in love with it--and all the books that followed. I've reread it once every year or two since then, and I'll probably do so for a long time to come.
I still have my original copy, that I had for school, with my maiden name written in Sharpie across the top of the pages. It's pretty much in tatters, and I love it that way. But guess what? Now, I have a new, crisp signed copy--personalized, just for me! I know I'll continue to read my first copy because there's something about opening those soft and worn down pages that's as familiar as coming home to me (<---
cheeseball alert!) but I love,love,love having my own signed copy.
And guess what else? I got a second signed copy to giveaway to one of you guys! I mean, I KNOW I'm not alone in my love of
Ender's Game. I couldn't be selfish and just get my own without getting one for you guys too.
my giveaway for the month of December is for a SIGNED Ender's Game and a SIGNED Pathfinder!
Two winners. One for each book. All you have to do to enter is:
1) be a follower
2) leave a comment on this post, telling me
a) which book you'd rather win, if you're chosen
b) or let me know if you don't have a preference
c) OR if you don't win the one you prefer, please let me know
if you
don't want the other one
3) tell me where you're from, since this contest *IS* open internationally
and I love to know where you guys come here from!
4) and leave your email address
You don't have to blog it or tweet it or whatever, though if you choose to that'd be cool too :) (Leave links to the places you spread the word in the comments of this post and I'll give you an extra point for each!)
I'll use to select the winners.
This contest closes at midnight on December 31st, 2010--that way the winners can start the new year off with their new SIGNED Orson Scott Card books!
Thanks for stopping by!