Monday, December 17, 2012

A little update-ish thingamajig

Hey yo! Soooo wow. It's been two months since I updated this beyotch. And, let's be honest. It's been SIX MONTHS since I posted about something other than a contest or a celebration for a writing friend's good news.


I kept telling myself I would write something when I had something to say. Something other than a regular little generic post that I used to write just to keep this little blog looking current. Because, really? Who likes reading those things? NOT ME.

I got into blogging to connect with other people. And to journal my writing journey. And I DID connect with people! I found CPs and friends and my life got so much fuller! But I learned something, too. It's HARD to blog about the truth of the writing journey if your blog is public. Because there are SO many disappointments and frustrations and things that are worth venting over--but the further into this awesome community I found myself, the more I realized I didn't want to post about those things. Staying positive became important to me, putting a positive face forward.  Which is great and all, but it doesn't mean I always had things to blog about. Because another thing about this journey? It can be so repetitive, even as each step along the way brings growth. Still though, it goes: write, revise, repeat. Critique, query, take that next step in your career. Learn lots of stuff along the way--but discover that everyone else seems to be learning the same things along their own journeys, based on their much more eloquently written posts about the very things you were about to post about, ha.

Anyway, I think that's enough rambling about all that. SO. Here's a Sara update:

I'm working on my fifth book. Well, working in the loosest sense of the word, because I've got some Big Life things going on :) But this book. This fifth book. When I'm finally finished writing it and revising it and revising it some more, I swear I'm going to try to further my career with this one. It's time. I mean, I had a couple close calls with representation for the first book I ever wrote. (Which, thank goodness, were only close calls because that book? Oh mans, I will always have love for it, but I'd be verrrry embarrassed if it had ever been published.) Except, since then, I've gotten into this bad habit of writing books and then just shelving them. Or maybe it's not a bad habit. Maybe I've grown enough as a writer to understand that as much as I love the books I've written, I've also known deep down that they weren't strong enough to start my career with.

This book though? Book number five? I'm even going through one of those standard writer "ugh my book sucks and it needs so much work already and . . . just . . . ughhhhh I suck at life and writing" moments, and still deep down I know it has the potential my other ones have been missing.

So, yay! Now I just have to find the energy to get back into a writing groove even with the Big Life stuff. Keep your fingers crossed for me, okay?

As for this blog? I've been thinking about shutting it down, because it's just been collecting so much dust, but I think I won't. I also, though, won't start posting more regularly JUST to have content here. Because you'd know and your eyes would glaze over while you read, yanno? Plus if I take the time to put effort into writing something? It's gonna be to finish book 5 :) I will, however, post when I have things to say. Hopefully more regularly than every six months.

In the meantime, you can find me on tumblr (omg please find me on tumblr; I'm falling in love with it--it's so much fun!), pinterest, and twitter.



  1. YAY book 5! I have definitely been feeling that blog tension myself lately. Content for content's sake really sucks, and there's so much out there already. But I'm glad you aren't shutting down, because I hope to read some REAL exciting news here in the near future :)

  2. Good luck with book 5! I've written three books , and a fourth is halfway written, and none of them are strong enough to go out into the world. Not yet, anyway. I plan to revisit them soon in the hopes of changing that. I just can't let a story go.

    Hang in there, keep writing, and it will happen!

  3. That's awesome that book 5 is so promising! I'm currently in a low point with my writing, but I'm hoping that post-Christmas I'll be able to find my groove again. It's also been tough thinking up things to blog about, so you're not alone in that respect. :)

  4. Yay for Book Five and Big Life Things! Best of luck with both, Sara. <3 And I vote for keeping this fantastic blog around, because I'll be here to read whenever you post.

  5. Woohoo for Book Five and for the Big Life Things!!!

    (And so glad you didn't shut this blog down...I, for one, would miss it.)


  6. I miss your blogging here, but I totally get reserving your writing energy for Book 5. Priorities!

    But thanks for the update. I'll be crossing my fingers for you. :)

  7. I feel like I could have written this exact post...but couldn't even muster up the blogging energy to do so. This is precisely the head space I'm in. I just have nothing to say/blog.

    Love you, Boo. <3

  8. While I do miss you here, I would rather beta read book 5 than any old blog post, so get on that, k? Thxbai.

  9. I know it's been a while since you posted this, but I so get it. I hate just posting apologies for not posting or those nothing really to say blogs. I want to get out of that rut but not sure how. I want to keep a blog presence but need it to be genuine too. Good luck on that book 5. I'm currently querying my book five and it's the waiting that kills.

  10. Loved reading this and I know how you feel! I'm telling myself with this current project it'll be the one I attempt to query with once I get it done. We can do it!

    Persistence is key :)

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Yay! I love when you have things to add :)